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Retail 4.0

The internet is indisputably so important both as an information medium and as a purchasing platform that hardly any medium-sized or larger trading company can ignore it.

ERP / MRP - Integrated ERP software | Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

The core of the software landscape in most retail companies is an ERP/MRP solution. The following applies: As heterogeneous as the retail sector is (e.g. retail vs. wholesale; food vs. fashion; stationary vs. online), the solutions are just as heterogeneous. There is no generally "best" ERP/MRP solution on the market; rather, a well "fitting" solution must be found depending on the individual circumstances and requirements.

ERP Software

eCommerce - Web Shop | PIM (Product Information Management)

In communication and e-commerce, it is no longer just about a single product; product-related alternatives, accessories, spare parts, sets or bundles (up-selling, cross-selling) are also offered. PIM systems collect all kinds of information on products in a central system, offer efficient options for data maintenance and data management and make this information available for internal use and, in particular, for use in various sales channels in a consistent, accurate and target group-specific manner (single point of truth).

eCommerce Software

CRM - Campaign Management| Plattform integration | Customer Loyalty Systems

Regardless of whether online or stationary: the key success factor is and remains customer frequency and ultimately the conversion rate. Their importance is so great that specialized service providers have formed to offer "conversion rate optimization". Whereas the focus in stationary retail was on the location, location and again location of the branch, in the online sector targeted marketing via Google and Co. plays a central role. However, not least because of the marketing costs involved in winning new customers, the focus is increasingly shifting to existing customer management and targeted marketing approaches to existing customers.

CRM solutions



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