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IT-Matchmaker®.news is an established information portal about business software. In the technical articles of the editorial team and its guest authors, IT managers and decision-makers will always find up-to-date tips and interesting facts about innovations, introduction and deployment optimization of ERP, CRM, ECM/DMS, MES and Business Intelligence software.



How it works

The newsletter of the same name is sent out every two weeks to approximately 40,000 subscribers.

  • Target group: IT decision makers (GF, CIO, CFO, head of IT/IT, head of finance/accounting, commercial management)

  • Sectors/industries: Industry, trade, business-related services

  • Company size/region: 50-5,000 employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Banner advertising

Online banners can be placed in different places and in different sizes on the information portal or in the newsletter of IT-Matchmaker®.news.

Use the high access and opening rates of IT-Matchmaker®.news to place your advertising message in your target market.

Text ads in the IT-Matchmaker®.news

Your text ad is embedded in the high-quality editorial content of the newsletter and linked to your own landing page with registration or contact form. Promote e.g. your webinars, whitepaper downloads or special offers.

For the IT-Matchmaker®.news portal, we offer with the event tickets a cost-effective alternative to announcing your online and offline events in the event calendar.

Lead generation with IT-Matchmaker®.news

With the Lead-AddOn you generate GDPR compliant leads for your sales team. The Lead-AddOn can be booked in combination with a text ad or banner and requires the provision of a high-quality asset (e.g. white paper).



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